macro 9/24
Sub table99() Dim inputRow, outputRow As Integer Dim fromSheet, toSheet As Worksheet Dim wsSetup As Worksheet Dim i, j As Integer Dim LR, NR As Long Dim col1, col2 As Long Dim fromCol, toCol As Long Dim strFind As String Set wsSetup = Excel.Worksheets("Setup") Set toSheet = Excel.Worksheets(wsSetup.Cells(6, 2).Value) strFind = wsSetup.Cells(14, 2).Value Set fromSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(wsSetu..
Sub table99() Dim x, y As Integer Dim i, j As Integer Dim fPath, fName2, fName As String Dim LR, NR As Long Dim wbGrab As Workbook Dim wsDest As Worksheet Dim sourceRange As Range Dim sheetName As String Dim myRange As Range Dim myCell As Range sheetName = "Summary" '파일 읽어드리기 Set wsDest = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sheetName) NR = 1 fPath = "C:\Group\" fName = Dir(fPath & "38W.xls*") fName2 = Dir(fPath..
엑셀 메크로
Option Explicit Private Declare Function SetCurrentDirectoryA Lib _ "kernel32" (ByVal lpPathName As String) As Long Sub ChDirNet(szPath As String) SetCurrentDirectoryA szPath End Sub Sub MergeSpecificWorkbooks() Dim MyPath As String Dim SourceRcount As Long, FNum As Long Dim mybook As Workbook, BaseWks As Worksheet Dim sourceRange As Range, destrange As Range Dim rnum As Long, CalcMode As Long D..
php 실시간 새로고침 참고 참고 ... ... 다음과같이 헤더바로 다음에 쓰는것을 권장한답니다 ob_end_clean(); for($i=1; $i
블러와 그라디언트
#import ... CAGradientLayer *l = [CAGradientLayer layer]; l.frame = view.bounds; l.colors = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:(id)[UIColor whiteColor].CGColor, (id)[UIColor clearColor].CGColor, nil]; l.startPoint = CGPointMake(0.5f, 0.0f); l.endPoint = CGPointMake(0.5f, 1.0f); v.layer.mask = l;#import @interface CAFilter : NSObject+ (id)filterWithName:(NSString*)str;@end CAFilter* filter = [CAFilter fil..
Sublime Text2-move to end of line using ctrl+e:
add this to key bindings { "keys": ["ctrl+e"], "command": "move_to", "args": {"to": "eol", "extend": false} }
Cocos3d Installation and CC3DemoMashup in xcode4.5
Cocos3d Installation and CC3DemoMashupDownload Cocos2d 1.1-rc0 versionDownload Cocos3d 위링크로 우선 cocos2d 1.1-rc0 버젼과 cocos3d 를 받습니다 After installation try CC3DemoMashupif it fails being unable to find CC files which are files of coco2dgo to cocos2d foldercopy these folders to "cocos3dfolder/cocos2d/":-cocos2d-CocosDenshion/CocosDenshion-cocoslive-external/FontLabel-external/TouchJSON CC3DemoMashup..
맥(MAC) mysql 관리 툴
맥용 mysql db관리 프로그램입니다무료 프로그램중 괜찮은게 없나 찾다가 보니다들 이걸 쓰신다더군요한창 네비캣 찾아썼었는데
mac osx lion java 6
mac osx lion remove 7 and install 6or vice versa라이언에서 자바 6 에서 7로 또는 그반대로 변경해야할때가있다
php POST/REQUEST testing through url
simply test mysql POST method by usinghttp://url/postdata.php?name=AAA&score=10000database with request name and score will respond connect your database through below(example from : $user="username"; $password="password"; $database="database"; mysql_connect(localhost,$user,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select data..
jQuery Mobile Buttons
reading "Teach Yourself jQuery Mobile In 24 Hours"these are some buttons you can use ButtonsLink-based buttonLink-based ElementButtonSquaredRoundedSquaredNo ShadowSquared no ShadowFull Width ButtonInline ButtonAlso an Inline ButtonLeftRightClick leftClick rightClick UpClick DownDeletePlusMinusCheckGearRefre..
cocos2d unable to load font
i've been wasting time on the internet to find out what's wrong withmy application with font being unable to load. problem was with the actual font name.designer sent me a file named ocraext.ttf but the actual font name"OCR A Extended" was the cause of the problem in info.plist you gotta add the file nameand in use of real code you gotta use the actual font name
SenchaSDKTools error after installation
When installed sencha touch SDK some of you will find these errorswhether mountain lion or snow leopard The current working directory (/Users/macbook) is not a recognized Sencha SDK or application folder. Running in backwards compatible mode.throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event 1.terminate Terminal2.Install sencha SDK to the default folder.3.unzip sencha-touch- ..
cocos2d 2.0
many functions were deprecated in cocos2d 2.0most of the functions we use with sprite has sprite in there function nameto me there names were better in v.1.0 one of the function i find better to use wasopenglview -> viewi use table in my games to show scoresyou can use functions below + addSubView:(UIView)[[CCDirector sharedDirector] OpenGLView];[[CCDirector sharedDirector] view];