
Cocos3d Installation and CC3DemoMashup in xcode4.5

zombie45 2013. 1. 18. 09:56

Cocos3d Installation and CC3DemoMashup

Download Cocos2d 1.1-rc0 version

Download Cocos3d

위링크로 우선 cocos2d 1.1-rc0 버젼과 cocos3d 를 받습니다

After installation try CC3DemoMashup

if it fails being unable to find CC files which are files of coco2d

go to cocos2d folder

copy these folders to "cocos3dfolder/cocos2d/":






CC3DemoMashup을 실행해보고 파일이 없다고 나오면 위와같이

cocos2d폴더에서 복사해서 cocos3d폴더/cocos2d/ 안에다 넣어줍니다

if it causes build error i386

go to "CC3DemoMashup>Targets>Build Settings>"

find "Architectures"

Change "Standard(arm7, arm7s)" to "arm7"

find "Valid Architectures"

Change "arm7 arm7s" to "arm7"

i386에러가 뜨면 위와같이 Architecture와 Valid Architectures 항목을 변경합니다

have fun!
